With Free FLAC to MP3 Convert Wizard, it is easily to reduce file size of FLAC audio and then send MP3 audio to your mobile device, cell phone, or as an E-mail attachment, or to convert recorded audio from different audio sources: TV card, line-in or microphone saved in smaller, more convenient format. In this way, you will not have to worry about where to find free space for the new songs any more.
If you want to create excellent music collection which is impressive in size and convenient to use, you will find it difficult to perform without Free FLAC to MP3 Convert Wizard. This program allows you to batch convert Free Lossless Audio Codec (FLAC) to more handy and popular MP3 file format, which are much smaller and have better support among audio applications and hardware players.
Free FLAC to MP3 Convert Wizard is an audio converter that converts lossless FLAC to widely used MP3. It can convert FLAC for playback on any devices. Convert 50+ audio formats without difficulty and convert video to MP3 to share music with your friends.
It has perfect control of output quality and simplified on-click settings to select preset configurations. Batch processing makes the conversion of tons of files faster & advanced conversion engine minimizes the quality loss.